Champion Market Lamb is owned by Angela Boyle of Windham.
Her lamb weighs 112 pounds. |
Reserve Champion Market Lamb is owned by Chelsey Merrill of North Yarmouth.
Her lamb weighs 103 pounds. |
Honerable Mention Market Lamb is owned by Megan Crocker of Charleston. Her lamb weighs 132 pounds. |
Blue Ribbon Market Lamb is owned by Whitney Winslow of Windham. Her lamb weighs 118 pounds.
2001 Youth Market Lamb Show and Auction
PISCATAQUIS VALLEY FAIR - The Youth Market Lamb Auction at 7 pm on Friday, August 24th is an annual
event where market lambs are sold. It provides an excellent opportunity for people to purchase premium quality lamb. The auction is open to the public and everyone is invited to bid or just watch for the fun of it. Bids are made on a live weight basis and all money goes directly to the youth who raised the animal.
The youth have participated in several events. The fitting and showmanship contests determines how well the exhibitor has prepared his or her animal for show. In the fitting class the animal is judged on its cleanliness, how well it is groomed and clipped and how well the exhibitor has highlighted its strengths. The youth are judged on their ability to control their animals and present themselves and their animals in the best possible light in the showmanship class.
Winner of the Senior Market Lamb Fitting was Angela Boyle and the winner of the Senior Market Lamb Showmanship was Chelsey Merrill. The winner of the Junior Market Lamb Fitting was Megan Crocker and the winner of the Junior Market Lamb Showmanship was also Megan Crocker.
When selecting the Grand Champion Market Lamb, the judge looks not at the expertise of the showman or the cleanliness of the animal, but strictly at the quality of the lamb for your table. These market lambs are hand
raised by youth who have given them the best of care. Youngsters combine the money from the auction sale with their premium earnings to cover feed costs, veterinary bills and other expenses them have incurred over the
past months. For many youth, the remaining money is used to purchase next year's market lamb.
Champion Market Lamb is owned by Angela Boyle of Windham. Her lamb weighs 112 pounds. The successful bidder for this animal was Pogo Realty of Windham.
Reserve Champion Market Lamb is owned by Chelsey Merrill of North Yarmouth. Her lamb weighs 103 pounds.The successful bidder was Varney Insurance of Bangor
Honerable Mention Market Lamb is owned by Megan Crocker of Charleston. Her lamb weighs 132 pounds. The successful bidder was also Varney Insurance, this lamb will be donated to Manna Soup Kitchen in Bangor.
Blue Ribbon Market Lamb is owned by Whitney Winslow of Windham. Her lamb weighs 118 pounds. the successful bidder was Jean Winslow of Windham.
The top price received was $4.25 per pound with an average price of $3.61 per pound.
Angela Boyle won the Senior Fitting Award, Chelsey Merrill won the Senior Showmanship Award and Megan Crocker won both the Junior Fitting and Showmanship Award. Megan Crocker won the Challenge Contest that gave youth a chance to show how well their animal led around various obstacles.
The following people made this auction possible: Cindy and Ron Storer of Charleston for planning and coordinating the auction; Ken Andries, Extension Livestock Specialist for judging Dave Averill of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources and bringing the scales to the fairgrounds to weigh the lambs; Jay Hanson of Winslow for serving as our auctioneer, the Piscataquis Valley Fair Association for providing the opportunity to conduct the auction; and the buyers who made this a successful auction.
If you are interested in participating in the Youth Livestock Auction next year, please contact Cindy and Ron Storer, phone 285-3102.
- Entries are open to girls and boys in the State of Maine who are enrolled in an approved Youth Market Lamb Project. Participants must have reached their 7th birthday and not passed their 19th birthday, as of midnight December 31, 2000.
- All lambs will be registered with Ron & Cindy Storer, 231 Perkins Rd., Charleston, Me. 04422 by midnight July 14, 2001. Lambs should be tagged and the number reported.
- All lambs exhibited must follow the guidelines of the Piscataquis County Youth Lamb Project. All exhibitors are required to care for and show their own animals. Each exhibitor is allowed one market lamb.
- No lamb may be exhibited in competition that cannot be managed and led by the person showing the animal without the help from others.
- All market lambs exhibited at the Piscataquis Valley Fair must be sold at Auction.
- Market lambs must be on the grounds by 8:00 A.M. Friday, August 24, 2001. Each member must accompany his or her lambs. 8:30 A.M. is the time of weighing.
- The Market Lamb Show will start at 10:00 AM. Members must wear white shirts with no printing. Solid colored long pants are required (no blue jeans). Be neat and presentable. Lambs must be shown with halters.
- Ram lambs will be disqulified for entry to the show and auction.
- Lambs will be shown and graded into the following groups: Prime, Choice, Good, Fair and Poor.
- After the lambs are graded, there will be selected a Grand Champion, Reserve Champion
and Honorable Mention.
- Lambs will be sold at auction on Friday, August 24, 2001. The auction will start at 7:00 P.M. Each member must be present.
- Lambs become the property of the buyer as soon as they are sold.
- The auction is open to all responsible persons. Only one bid will be accepted from a Youth
member or representative of a member.
- All animals exhibited must meet the health and identification requirements of the State of Maine, Department of Agriculture as listed in the rules and regulations of the Livestock Department.
- All Piscataquis Youths enrolled in the market lamb project must participate in the Challenge Course to be eligible to sell their lambs at the Youth auction.
- Failure to comply with any rule will be just cause for disqualification from the show and/or auction and/or forfeiture of all premiums.
- Piscataquis Valley Fair reserves the right to amend and add to these rules and regulations.
Market Lamb Premiums Challenge Course
To Test How Well The Lambs Have Been Raised To Lead.
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
$10 |
$9 |
$8 |
$7 |
$6 |
$5 |
$4 |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Trophy to Junior and Senior Champions
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
$10 |
$9 |
$8 |
$7 |
$6 |
$5 |
$4 |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Trophy to Junior and Senior Champions
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
$10 |
$9 |
$8 |
$7 |
$6 |
$5 |
$4 |
$3 |
$2 |
$1 |
Market Lamb Class
All lambs in Prime Group |
$10 |
All lambs in Choice Group |
$8 |
All lambs in Good Group |
$6 |
All lambs in Fair Group |
$4 |
All lambs in Poor Group |
$2 |
Grand Champion & Reserve Champion - Trophies Honorable Mention - Rosette; All Others - Ribbon