Piscataquis Valley Fair

Youth Sheep Show
Friday, August 24th, 10:00 A.M.
Vicki MacDonald 892-6832 & Larissa Larrabee 277-4345

Sheep Show


  1. Entries are open to girls and boys as indicated under livestock requirements.
  2. Sheep must be shown with halters.
  3. Limit single classes to two entries, one entry in flock.
  4. Sheep must have been registered in member's names by June 1, 2001.
  5. All animals exhibited must meet the health and identification requirements of the State of Maine Department of Agriculture as listed in rules and regulations of the Livestock Department.
  6. All exhibitors are required to care for and show their own animals.
  7. Failure to comply with any rule will be just cause for disqualification from the show and/or forfeiture of all premiums.
  8. Piscataquis Valley Fair reserves the right to amend and add to these rules and regulations.


$6.00 $5.00 $4.00
  1. Fitting and Showmanship. A. Juniors, B. Seniors, C. Novice.
  2. Fall ram lamb born after Sept. 1, 2000 and before January 1, 2001.
  3. Spring ram lamb born after January 1, 2000.
  4. Fall ewe lamb born after Sept. 1, 2000 and before January 1, 2001.
  5. Spring ewe lamb born after January 1, 2001.
  6. Yearling ewe one year and under two years.
  7. Flock one yearling ewe, one ewe lamb, one ram lamb.

Youth sheep/Market lamb premiums challenge course
1st, $10
2nd, $9
3rd, $8
4th, $7
5th, $6
6th, $5
7th, $4
8th, $3
9th, $2
10th, $1.

Liza Miller
Andre Miller
Whitney Winslow
Amanda Caverly
Chelsea Merrill
Erinn Merrill
Noah Tranten
Marjorie Hardy
Jennifer Campbell
Matthew Campbell
Ryan Webster
Darcey Webster
Grace Stults
Ben Stults
Angie Boyle
Stephine Boyle
Kendra Moreau
Roxanne Moreau
Logan Babb

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