August 23rd-26th, 2018

Agricultural Event Competition Event Kids Event Mechanical Event Midway Event Performance Event Other Event

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018

Time Event
8:00 AM Farmers Steer & Ox Weigh-in

Karna Johnson 207-343-4355 or Kevin Jones 207-578-0606
Thursday, August 23rd at Noon in the Horse pulling Ring
Ribbons for 1st-7th place for all classes. Dinner provided for teamsters and their family. Weigh-In at 8 AM on Thursday.
1. Light Pull- $80, $70, $55, $45, $35, $30, $18
2. Medium Pull- $90, $80, $65, $53, $42, $30, $20
3. Heavy Pull- $100, $90, $75, $63, $52, $36, $26
4. Kids- $100 split between kids entered under 16
8:00 AM Open Ox Weigh-in

Karna Johnson 207-343-4355 or Kevin Jones 207-578-0606
Thursday, August 23rd
Ribbons for 1st-6th place for all classes. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family. WeighIn at 8 AM. Pulling to start following the Farmers Steer and Ox Pulling. Monies for short pull will be split evenly depending on number of teams: Ton & Up We plan on having 2 percentage distance classes and a 6’ over and under short pull.
Distance $100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50
6" Under $125 $105 $95 $85 $75 $65
6' Over $125 $105 $95 $85 $75 $65
10:00 AM Open Flower Judging In Dining Hall

Terry Ogden: 564-3963
Located in the #1 Exhibition Hall.
Bring flowers Wednesday, August 24th, 4-8 p.m., Sunday pick up time is 4-5 p.m.
Premiums - Adult - 1st $6, 2nd $4, 3rd $2, Youth - 1st $3, 2nd $2, 3rd $1
Only one entry per category per person is allowed.
Categories: Fresh Flower Arrangements, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Specimens: (Cut Flowers, 1 stem per container – containers provided).
Judging at 10 a.m. on Thursday.
Best of Show for Flower Arrangement ONLY.
12:00 PM Fire Department Musuem Opens

Thurs & Friday, Noon to 8 p.m., Sat, & Sun, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dover-Foxcroft Fire Department (Located next to police building)
Come see firefighting equipment from the late 1800’s to present day.
12:00 PM Exhibition Halls Open
12:00 PM Animal Land Opens

Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals.
Hours: Thursday – Saturday 9 AM to 7 PM. Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM
Ron/Brenda Oldfield 735-1606, Jim Ellis 343-0503
Feature animal Friday 3-7 PM, Saturday, 12-7 PM, & Sunday 12-4 PM.
Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals. Open to any 4-H, FFA, or Youth Livestock owner to display their animal projects. All owners are responsible for the care and feeding of their livestock. All animals must be free of disease and in good health. Proof of good health can be a veterinarian record sheet or health certificate. A schedule will be posted at Animal Land and the Fair Office. Reminder to all visitors of Animal Land: the animals are not in their usual homes so they can bite. Please keep young children safe. Final check-in for all animals to be displayed will be Thursday morning at 10 AM. Ribbons and premiums are awarded according to the Danish System to all 4-H, FFA participants in Animal Land. All other participants will receive participation ribbons.
12:00 PM Farm Steer and Ox Pulls

Karna Johnson 207-343-4355 or Kevin Jones 207-578-0606
Thursday, August 23rd at Noon in the Horse pulling Ring
Ribbons for 1st-7th place for all classes. Dinner provided for teamsters and their family. Weigh-In at 8 AM on Thursday.
1. Light Pull- $80, $70, $55, $45, $35, $30, $18
2. Medium Pull- $90, $80, $65, $53, $42, $30, $20
3. Heavy Pull- $100, $90, $75, $63, $52, $36, $26
4. Kids- $100 split between kids entered under 16
Open Ox Pulls ~ Following the Farmers Steer and Ox Pulling

Contact: Karna Johnson - 343-4355 or Kevin Jones 578-0606
Ribbons for 1st-7th place for all classes. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family.
Weigh-In at 8 AM.
Pulling to start following the Farmers Steer and Ox Pulling.
We plan on having 3 percentage classes and will divide the money up according to how many teams show up.
We have $1000 in purse money.
2:00 PM Midway Rides Open
3:00 PM Frisbee Toss Behind The Ice Cream Parlor

Contact Donna Weymouth 745-5778 or Keshia Benson 735-6677.
We will be having four children’s games, one for each day of the fair.
4:00 PM Pedal Tractor Pull In Front Of The Milking Parlor -- RESULTS

Thursday, August 24th at 4 p.m.
Friday - August 25th at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - August 26th at 1 p.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 10 a.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 2 p.m. ~ Pull-off for all prior winners.
Rusty & Donna Weymouth 694-0192 or 745-5778.
Tractor and drag provided by the fair.
Weight classes are 30-40 lbs, 41-50 lbs., and 51-60 lbs.
1. Open to all kids in their proper weight class.
2. Kids placing first, second, or third in their weight class during the regular pulls are eligible for the Pull-Off on Sunday
3. Ribbons will be given for the regular pulls.
Trophies to be awarded for Sunday’s Pull-Off.
All decisions of the judges will be considered impartial and final.
SUNDAY’S PULL-OFF is for WINNERS from the first three days and Sunday’s 10 AM pull.
NO new participants at pull-off.
4:00 PM Bingo

Thursday, August 24th @ 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday, Aug 25th-27th starting at NOON
Sangerville Fire Department, Jeff Willey 876-3438
The Sangerville Fire Dept. will provide Bingo starting Thursday. Cover-All games. Friday 7 PM cover card in 55 numbers or less wins $200 jackpot (more than 55 numbers gets $50). Saturday 6 PM cover card in 56 numbers or less gets $200 jackpot (more than 56 numbers get $50). Sunday 2 PM jackpot with play until there’s a winner
5:30 PM Bicycle Drawing In Front Of The Fair Office -- RESULTS

Entry blanks available at the Fair Office.
Children ages 5 to 14 years may enter. Pepsi provides 4 bicycles for the drawing. The drawings will be held on Thurs, and Fri at 5:30 p.m., and Sat and Sun at 4 p.m. Must be present to win. A person can win only once a year.
6:00 PM Milking Demonstration At The Milking Parlor
6:00 PM Figure 8 Competition At The Mechanical Track -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition
6-9:00 PM Midnight Rose On The Stage

Midnight Rose is a high energy band that loves to party with our fans. You can always count on hearing a variety of different music genre all night long.
7:30 PM He-Man Contest In The Horse Pulling Area

Thursday, August 24th at 7:30 p.m. in the Horse Pulling Ring. Contact Dan Bishop 564-7700 or Billy Smart 564-7712.
Tugging, lifting, throwing - timed event. Classes for both men and women. The ultimate endurance test. Everyone is welcome to participate. Bring your family and friends.
9:00 PM Fireworks (On The South Side Of The Fairgrounds)

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Time Event
9:00 AM Farmers Horse Weigh-in

Karna Johnson 207-343-4355 or Kevin Jones 207-578-0606
Friday, August 24th at Noon in the Horse Pulling Ring.
Ribbons for 1st-7th for all classes. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family. Weigh-In at 9 AM on Friday.
1. Twitch - $75, $70, $65, $50, $40, $30, $25
2. Scoot- $80, $75, $65, $55, $45, $35, $25
3. Pull - $90, $80, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30
4. Kids: $100 split between kids entered under age 16
10:30 AM Youth Dairy Show

All livestock trailers must be parked in back parking lot.

Fitting & showmanship premiums:
1st $32
2nd $30
3rd $28
4th $26
5th $24
6th $22
Class Premiums:
1st $30
2nd $28
3rd $26
4th $24
5th $22
6th $20
Senior Champion of each breed, and then a supreme champion female.
Best three females: must be bred and owned by exhibitor
Get of Sire: three females with same sire
Produce of Dam: Two females out of one dam
Disclaimer: The Piscataquis Valley Fair disclaims any liability for loss or damage to exhibits or personal property of exhibitors
12:00 PM Farmers Horse Events

Karna Johnson 207-343-4355 or Kevin Jones 207-578-0606
Friday, August 24th at Noon in the Horse Pulling Ring.
Ribbons for 1st-7th for all classes. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family. Weigh-In at 9 AM on Friday.
1. Twitch - $75, $70, $65, $50, $40, $30, $25
2. Scoot- $80, $75, $65, $55, $45, $35, $25
3. Pull - $90, $80, $70, $60, $50, $40, $30
4. Kids: $100 split between kids entered under age 16
12:00 PM Fire Department Musuem Opens

Thurs & Friday, Noon to 8 p.m., Sat, & Sun, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dover-Foxcroft Fire Department (Located next to police building)
Come see firefighting equipment from the late 1800’s to present day.
12:00 PM Exhibition Halls Open
12:00 PM Animal Land Opens

Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals.
Hours: Thursday – Saturday 9 AM to 7 PM. Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM
Ron/Brenda Oldfield 735-1606, Jim Ellis 343-0503
Feature animal Friday 3-7 PM, Saturday, 12-7 PM, & Sunday 12-4 PM.
Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals. Open to any 4-H, FFA, or Youth Livestock owner to display their animal projects. All owners are responsible for the care and feeding of their livestock. All animals must be free of disease and in good health. Proof of good health can be a veterinarian record sheet or health certificate. A schedule will be posted at Animal Land and the Fair Office. Reminder to all visitors of Animal Land: the animals are not in their usual homes so they can bite. Please keep young children safe. Final check-in for all animals to be displayed will be Thursday morning at 10 AM. Ribbons and premiums are awarded according to the Danish System to all 4-H, FFA participants in Animal Land. All other participants will receive participation ribbons.
12:00 PM Bingo

Thursday, August 24th @ 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday, Aug 25th-27th starting at NOON
Sangerville Fire Department, Jeff Willey 876-3438
The Sangerville Fire Dept. will provide Bingo starting Thursday. Cover-All games. Friday 7 PM cover card in 55 numbers or less wins $200 jackpot (more than 55 numbers gets $50). Saturday 6 PM cover card in 56 numbers or less gets $200 jackpot (more than 56 numbers get $50). Sunday 2 PM jackpot with play until there’s a winner
2:00 PM Midway Rides Open
2:00 PM Conjouring Carol

Conjuring Carroll has been performing magic and ballooning since 1996. Performing family shows thought Northern New England.
3:00 PM Relay Race The Ice Cream Parlor

Contact Donna Weymouth 745-5778 or Keshia Benson 735-6677.
We will be having four children’s games, one for each day of the fair.
4:30 PM Pedal Tractor Pull In Front Of The Milking Parlor -- RESULTS

Thursday, August 25th at 4 p.m.
Friday - August 26th at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - August 27th at 1 p.m.
Sunday - August 28th at 10 a.m.
Sunday - August 28th at 2 p.m. ~ Pull-off for all prior winners.
Rusty & Donna Weymouth 694-0192 or 745-5778.
Tractor and drag provided by the fair.
Weight classes are 30-40 lbs, 41-50 lbs., and 51-60 lbs.
1. Open to all kids in their proper weight class.
2. Kids placing first, second, or third in their weight class during the regular pulls are eligible for the Pull-Off on Sunday
3. Ribbons will be given for the regular pulls.
Trophies to be awarded for Sunday’s Pull-Off.
All decisions of the judges will be considered impartial and final.
SUNDAY’S PULL-OFF is for WINNERS from the first three days and Sunday’s 10 AM pull.
NO new participants at pull-off.
5:30 PM Bicycle Drawing In Front Of The Fair Office -- RESULTS

Entry blanks available at the Fair Office.
Children ages 5 to 14 years may enter. Pepsi provides 4 bicycles for the drawing. The drawings will be held on Thurs, and Fri at 5:30 p.m., and Sat and Sun at 4 p.m. Must be present to win. A person can win only once a year.
6:00 PM Milking Demonstration At The Milking Parlor
6:00 PM Tuff Truck At The Mechanical Track -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition
6:00 PM Conjouring Carol

Conjuring Carroll has been performing magic and ballooning since 1996. Performing family shows thought Northern New England.
7:30-10 PM The Honkytonker’s Reunion Tour - Craig Stutzman On the Stage

The Honkytonkers are Maine's premier power trio. Many people refer to their original music as "POWER COUNTRY" because it is truly a mix of classic Rock with a flavor of today's country music.Country music with attitude is how one article summed up the group.

Saturday, August 25th, 2018

Time Event
6:00 AM Horse Pulling Weigh-in

Saturday and Sunday, August 26th & 27th
Ribbons 1st-8th for all classes. Trophy to the winner. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family.
For those wanting to weigh-in for Saturday scales will be open on Friday from 7PM - 8PM; however you must stay on the grounds after weigh-in
Weigh-In at 6AM on Saturday.
Distance pull classes start at 10 AM Saturday.
Saturday weights are good for Sunday if horses stay on the grounds.
Short pull estimated to start around 4:30 PM on Saturday.
2lb Rock will start at 9:30 AM on Sunday.
Sweepstakes will follow the 2lb Rock Sunday.
3000- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3200- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3400- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3000 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
3400 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
2lb Light- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
2lb Heavy- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
Sweepstakes- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED. Use of drugs or stimulants is prohibited. Proof of Liability Insurance & Negative Cogging is required. A complete list of rules and regulations will be posted in the scale house.
8:30 AM Piscataquis Valley Fair Jumper Show

Michelle Marden – 717-5758 or
Saturday, August 25th. Start Time 8:30 AM
All horse trailers must park in back parking lot. Use Gate #2. Registration begins at 7:30 AM - $10 per class OR $40 for the day if you pre-register. $50 the day of. Coggins within three years and proof of shots/rabies required. Blue Ribbon Rounds - Jump a clear round, get a blue ribbon! Ribbons to 6th place for timed rounds.
Special awards will be given out throughout the day. Lunch will be on sale.
HELMETS REQUIRED BY ALL RIDERS!!! Jr. is 15 and Under Sr. is 16 and over
1. Ground Poles Jr.
2. Ground Poles Sr.
3. 18” Crossrails Jr.
4. 18” Crossrails Sr.
5. 2’ Jr.
6. 2’ Sr.
7. 2’3 Jr.
8. 2’3 Sr.
9. 2’6 Jr.
10. 2’6 Sr.
11.2’9 Jr.
12. 2’9 Sr.
13. 3’ Jr.
14. 3’ Sr.
15. 3’3 Jr.
16. 3’3 Sr.
17. Bareback to 2’3
18. Gambler’s Choice to 3’3
Riders and spectators are entering premises at their own risk. Piscataquis Valley Fair Association or any of its members/agents shall not be liable for claims, suits, demands, or damages arising out of injury to any person or horse or damage to any property.
10:00 AM Farm Tractor Pulls At The Mechanical Track -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition

Saturday, August 26th at 9 a.m.
Contact: Bruce Weymouth 299-4373 or Trey Weymouth 907-0487.
This will be a Maine State Pullers Points Pull.
Entrance fee: $10 per hook & $10 per hook insurance fee.
7000 lbs
8500 lbs
10500 lbs
12500 lbs
14500 lbs
16500 lbs
Maine State Pullers Association Rules Apply.
1st - $100
2nd - $75
3rd - $50
10:00 AM Antique Auto Display Until 2:00 PM
10:00 AM Fire Department Musuem Opens

Thurs & Friday, Noon to 8 p.m., Sat, & Sun, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dover-Foxcroft Fire Department (Located next to police building)
Come see firefighting equipment from the late 1800’s to present day.
10:00 AM Exhibition Halls Open
10:00 AM Animal Land Opens

Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals.
Hours: Thursday – Saturday 9 AM to 7 PM. Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM
Ron/Brenda Oldfield 735-1606, Jim Ellis 343-0503
Feature animal Friday 3-7 PM, Saturday, 12-7 PM, & Sunday 12-4 PM.
Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals. Open to any 4-H, FFA, or Youth Livestock owner to display their animal projects. All owners are responsible for the care and feeding of their livestock. All animals must be free of disease and in good health. Proof of good health can be a veterinarian record sheet or health certificate. A schedule will be posted at Animal Land and the Fair Office. Reminder to all visitors of Animal Land: the animals are not in their usual homes so they can bite. Please keep young children safe. Final check-in for all animals to be displayed will be Thursday morning at 10 AM. Ribbons and premiums are awarded according to the Danish System to all 4-H, FFA participants in Animal Land. All other participants will receive participation ribbons.
10:00 AM Horse Pulling

Saturday and Sunday, August 26th & 27th
Ribbons 1st-8th for all classes. Trophy to the winner. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family.
Weigh-In at 6AM on Saturday.
Distance pull classes start at 10 AM Saturday.
Saturday weights are good for Sunday if horses stay on the grounds.
Short pull estimated to start around 4:30 PM on Saturday.
2lb Rock will start at 9:30 AM on Sunday.
Sweepstakes will follow the 2lb Rock Sunday.
3000- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3200- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3400- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3000 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
3400 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
2lb Light- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
2lb Heavy- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
Sweepstakes- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED. Use of drugs or stimulants is prohibited. Proof of Liability Insurance & Negative Cogging is required. A complete list of rules and regulations will be posted in the scale house.
10:00 AM Miss Maple Pageant On The Stage

Sponsored By Bob's Sugarhouse
Contact: Keshia Benson 735-6677.
Saturday, August 26th at 10 a.m. on the stage.
Participants will be divided into grade levels: Kindergarden-4th grade will be our first class, 5th-8th will be the second class, and 9th-12th will be the third class. There will be three categories for each class: Formal Wear/Dress-up - Does not have to be full formal. It can be any type of dressy clothes. Agricultural Wear/Country Wear - Put on your best idea of what country/farm girls would wear. Talent - Can be anything from singing and dancing to tying a knot. 1st place prize- Crown, Sash, and $50.00; 2nd place prize- $25.00. Also the 1st place winner of the 9th-12th grade class will receive a $100 scholarship. Event sponsored by: Bob’s Sugarhouse, and Bear’s Den Restaurant and Tavern. Registration forms can be picked up at Foxbrook Variety and are due by August 22nd. Sponsored by Flint Construction, RHC Carpentry and Foxcroft Printing
10:00 AM Cookie Decorating On The Hill Until Noon
10:00 AM Horseshoe Tournament Behind The Dining Hall

Contact: Jason Weston 564-3009
Saturday, August 26th and Sunday August 27th at 10:00 AM
Participants will pay $6.00 at the gate and $4.00 to enter the tournament. Pay out is at least $200.00 each day, plus $4.00 times how many people enter. Partners will be drawn.
This will be held behind the dining hall.
10:30 AM Youth Beef Cattle Show

Saturday August 26th at 10 a.m.
ALL livestock trailers must be parked in the back parking lot.
Fitting and Showmanship Premiums:
1st $32
2nd $30
3rd $28
4th $26
5th $24
6th $22
Fitting and showmanship will be divided into four groups of senior, intermediate, junior, and a pixie class for anyone under the age of 9.
Class premiums:
1st $30
2nd $28
3rd $26
4th $24
5th $22
6th $20
Classes maybe split by breed if there are more than 5 of the same breed. If not they will be shown together, or in an all other breeds class.

Bull Classes
Junior Bull: 1/1 – 6/30
Senior Bull: 9/1-12/31
Summer Yearling Bull: 5/2-8/31
Spring Yearling Bull: 3/1-4/30
Junior Yearling Bull: 1/1-2/28
Senior Yearling Bull: 9/1-12/31
Champion Bull from each breed, Supreme Champion Bull
Three Bulls, owned by exhibitor
Two Bulls bred and owned by exhibitor
Beef Steer Class
Champion Bull from each breed Supreme Champion Bull Three Bulls, owned by exhibitor Two Bulls bred and owned by exhibitor Beef Steer Class
Beef Heifer Classes:
Calves Born after 6/30
Junior Heifer calf 1/1-6/30
Senior Heifer Calf 9/1 – 12/31
Summer Yearling Heifer 5/1-12/31
Spring Yearling Heifer 3/1-4/30
Junior Yearling Heifer 1/1-3/1
Senior Yearling Heifers 9/1-12/31
Cows two years and older
11:00 AM Midway Rides Open
11:30 AM Skillet Throw -- RESULTS ~ Sign Up In Fair Office

Karna Johnson 343-4355.
Saturday, August 26th at 11:30 a.m. in the Horse Pulling Ring.
Ladies need to register by 11:30 a.m. Forms may be picked up at the Fair Office any time during the Fair. Age Groups: 18-35, 36-49, 50-64, 65 & over.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place ribbons will be given in each age group. Winners of their age group will throw for overall ribbon.
12:00 PM Bingo

Thursday, August 24th @ 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday, Aug 25th-27th starting at NOON
Sangerville Fire Department, Jeff Willey 876-3438
The Sangerville Fire Dept. will provide Bingo starting Thursday. Cover-All games. Friday 7 PM cover card in 55 numbers or less wins $200 jackpot (more than 55 numbers gets $50). Saturday 6 PM cover card in 56 numbers or less gets $200 jackpot (more than 56 numbers get $50). Sunday 2 PM jackpot with play until there’s a winner
12:00 PM Conjuring Carol

Conjuring Carroll has been performing magic and ballooning since 1996. Performing family shows thought Northern New England.
12-2 PM Tyler Healy on the Gazebo
1:00 PM Pedal Tractor Pull In Front Of The Milking Parlor -- RESULTS

Thursday, August 24th at 4 p.m.
Friday - August 25th at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - August 26th at 1 p.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 10 a.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 2 p.m. ~ Pull-off for all prior winners.
Rusty & Donna Weymouth 694-0192 or 745-5778.
Tractor and drag provided by the fair.
Weight classes are 30-40 lbs, 41-50 lbs., and 51-60 lbs.
1. Open to all kids in their proper weight class.
2. Kids placing first, second, or third in their weight class during the regular pulls are eligible for the Pull-Off on Sunday
3. Ribbons will be given for the regular pulls.
Trophies to be awarded for Sunday’s Pull-Off.
All decisions of the judges will be considered impartial and final.
SUNDAY’S PULL-OFF is for WINNERS from the first three days and Sunday’s 10 AM pull.
NO new participants at pull-off.
1:00 PM Frog Jumping Contest At The Baseball Field -- RESULTS

Saturday, August 26th at 1 p.m. at the baseball field.
Gary Sudsbury 564-2931.
The ONLY RULES: Just pretend you are twelve again and have fun (except for those under twelve who already know how). Bring your own frog or you may use one supplied by the Fair.
Trophies will be awarded in each of the following groups: age 8 and under, 9-13, 14-18, and parent class.
3:00 PM Animal Costume Parade
3:00 PM Conjouring Carol

Conjuring Carroll has been performing magic and ballooning since 1996. Performing family shows thought Northern New England.
3-5:00 PM North Atlantic Wrestling Association in Front of The Stage

4:00 PM Bicycle Drawing In Front Of The Fair Office -- RESULTS

Entry blanks available at the Fair Office.
Children ages 5 to 14 years may enter. Pepsi provides 4 bicycles for the drawing. The drawings will be held on Thurs, and Fri at 5:30 p.m., and Sat and Sun at 4 p.m. Must be present to win. A person can win only once a year.
4:30 PM Cookie Stacking Contest On The Hill
6:00 PM Milking Demonstration At The Milking Parlor
6:00 PM Truck Pulls At The Mechanical Track -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition
6:00 PM Dan Grady's Marvelous Marionette Medley On The Hill

Dan Grady, at 65 years of age, is having the time of his life traipsing across the countryside exhibiting his talent as marionette manipulator/puppeteer. His career with puppets began in 1975 upon his securing a spot in the employment of the University of New Hampshire's touring children's theatre "The Little Red Wagon". He worked with that touring program for a number of seasons during which opportunity knocked, luring Dan to join the ranks of puppeteers working for the national touring, and New York based, Nicolo Marionettes (now known as "Puppet Works"). That job with "Nicolo" was the seed that cultivated his love for performing with marionettes.
6:00 PM Wrist Wrestling ~ Sign Up At 5:30 PM By The Police Building -- RESULTS

Sat, August 26th at 6 p.m. Signup 5:30 p.m. by police building.
Gary Sudsbury 564-2931
Eliminations trials run until a winner is decided in each weight class. Trials are for both men and woman going by weight. USA Armsports Rules and Regulations will apply. Intoxication, alcohol consumption or unruly behavior or language is prohibited.
7:30-10 PM The Mallett Brothers Band On The Stage

Sunday, August 26th, 2018

Time Event
6:00 AM Horse Pulling Weigh-in

Saturday and Sunday, August 26th & 27th
Ribbons 1st-8th for all classes. Trophy to the winner. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family.
Weigh-In at 6AM on Saturday.
Distance pull classes start at 10 AM Saturday.
Saturday weights are good for Sunday if horses stay on the grounds.
Short pull estimated to start around 4:30 PM on Saturday.
2lb Rock will start at 9:30 AM on Sunday.
Sweepstakes will follow the 2lb Rock Sunday.
3000- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3200- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3400- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3000 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
3400 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
2lb Light- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
2lb Heavy- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
Sweepstakes- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED. Use of drugs or stimulants is prohibited. Proof of Liability Insurance & Negative Cogging is required. A complete list of rules and regulations will be posted in the scale house.
9:00 AM Game Horse Show

Sunday, August 27th at 9 a.m. in the Horse Pulling Ring.
North Country Riding Club. Amanda Sherburne.
DAY END AWARDS & Classes Pointed for End of Day
Lead Line Day End Award, 12 & Under Day End Award, 13-17 Day End Award,18 & Over Day End Award.
*NCRC wishes to thank all the businesses that sponsored today’s classes.
9:00 AM Garden Tractor Pulls At The Mechanical Track -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition
9:30 AM Horse Pulling

Saturday and Sunday, August 26th & 27th
Ribbons 1st-8th for all classes. Trophy to the winner. Dinner provided for the teamsters and their family.
Weigh-In at 6AM on Saturday.
Distance pull classes start at 10 AM Saturday.
Saturday weights are good for Sunday if horses stay on the grounds.
Short pull estimated to start around 4:30 PM on Saturday.
2lb Rock will start at 9:30 AM on Sunday.
Sweepstakes will follow the 2lb Rock Sunday.
3000- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3200- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3400- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
3000 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
3400 & Under- $525, $395, $235, $175, $155, $145, $130, $110
2lb Light- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
2lb Heavy- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
Sweepstakes- $160, $140, $125, $100, $90, $80, $70, $55
NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED. Use of drugs or stimulants is prohibited. Proof of Liability Insurance & Negative Cogging is required. A complete list of rules and regulations will be posted in the scale house.
10:00 AM Doodlebug Draw At The Mechanical Track

Sunday August 27th at 10 a.m. at the Mechanical Pulling Track.
Contact for more information: Rusty Weymouth 694-0192
Information and rules will also be posted on day of event.
10:00 AM Fire Department Musuem Opens

Thurs & Friday, Noon to 8 p.m., Sat, & Sun, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Dover-Foxcroft Fire Department (Located next to police building)
Come see firefighting equipment from the late 1800’s to present day.
10:00 AM Exhibition Halls Open
10:00 AM Animal Land Opens

Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals.
Hours: Thursday – Saturday 9 AM to 7 PM. Sunday 9 AM to 5 PM
Ron/Brenda Oldfield 735-1606, Jim Ellis 343-0503
Feature animal Friday 3-7 PM, Saturday, 12-7 PM, & Sunday 12-4 PM.
Please use our new wash stations after visiting the animals. Open to any 4-H, FFA, or Youth Livestock owner to display their animal projects. All owners are responsible for the care and feeding of their livestock. All animals must be free of disease and in good health. Proof of good health can be a veterinarian record sheet or health certificate. A schedule will be posted at Animal Land and the Fair Office. Reminder to all visitors of Animal Land: the animals are not in their usual homes so they can bite. Please keep young children safe. Final check-in for all animals to be displayed will be Thursday morning at 10 AM. Ribbons and premiums are awarded according to the Danish System to all 4-H, FFA participants in Animal Land. All other participants will receive participation ribbons.
10:00 AM Sign Up For The Pig Scramble At The Fair Office Until 12:00 PM

Sunday, August 27th at 1 p.m. at the Pulling Ring.
Signup: 10 a.m. to noon Sunday at the fair office, $2 ENTRY FEE.
Karna Johnson 343-4355.
Exciting event.
Rules for the Pig Scramble:
participants must be between the ages of 6 and 12 (three age groups: 6-8 years, 9-10 years, 11-12 years).
Parental permission slips need to be filled out.
Names will be drawn on the day of the scramble to determine who will be participating.
10:00 AM Pedal Tractor Pull In Front Of The Milking Parlor -- RESULTS

Thursday, August 24th at 4 p.m.
Friday - August 25th at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - August 26th at 1 p.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 10 a.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 2 p.m. ~ Pull-off for all prior winners.
Rusty & Donna Weymouth 694-0192 or 745-5778.
Tractor and drag provided by the fair.
Weight classes are 30-40 lbs, 41-50 lbs., and 51-60 lbs.
1. Open to all kids in their proper weight class.
2. Kids placing first, second, or third in their weight class during the regular pulls are eligible for the Pull-Off on Sunday
3. Ribbons will be given for the regular pulls.
Trophies to be awarded for Sunday’s Pull-Off.
All decisions of the judges will be considered impartial and final.
SUNDAY’S PULL-OFF is for WINNERS from the first three days and Sunday’s 10 AM pull.
NO new participants at pull-off.
10:00 AM Horseshoe Tournament Behind The Dining Hall

Contact: Jason Weston 564-3009
Saturday, August 26th and Sunday August 27th at 10:00 AM
Participants will pay $6.00 at the gate and $4.00 to enter the tournament. Pay out is at least $200.00 each day, plus $4.00 times how many people enter. Partners will be drawn.
This will be held behind the dining hall.
10:30 AM Youth Dairy Goat Show

Sally Peniuk, Show Chairperson 778-0167
Saturday & Sunday August 25th & 26th
The Youth Goat Show will be held on Sunday, August 25th at 10:30AM. Animals must be in place at the Fairgrounds by no later than 10:00AM on Saturday, August 25th and are required to remain until Sunday. Animals may arrive earlier (Thursday or Friday) but the owner must be on the grounds with the animals. The Youth Show is open to all youth ages 5-20. Goats do not have to be registered. The animals must be in good health and free from disease and sores. Junior Does, Senior Does, and Wethers are eligible. NO Bucks allowed. Breeds to be shown are: Alpine, Boer, LaMancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Pygmy Recorded Grade, Saanen/Sable, and Toggenburg. Classes will be set-up according to the ages of the goats and the breeds. There are no entry fees required for the Youth Goat Show. This event is sponsored by Piscataquis Valley Fair. All exhibitors are required to participate in the Showing & Fitting Classes. Participants are also encouraged to participate in the Special Events listed below. A herdsman award will be given to the exhibitor demonstrating: cleanliness/neatness of pen and pen area; cooperation with show personnel, fair officials, other exhibitors; participation and general attitude.
10:30 AM Pie Judging
11:00 AM Midway Rides Open
11:30 AM Bubblegum Blowing Contest On The Hill

Contact Donna Weymouth 745-5778 or Keshia Benson 735-6677.
We will be having four children’s games, one for each day of the fair.
12:00 PM Bingo

Thursday, August 24th @ 4:00 PM
Friday – Sunday, Aug 25th-27th starting at NOON
Sangerville Fire Department, Jeff Willey 876-3438
The Sangerville Fire Dept. will provide Bingo starting Thursday. Cover-All games. Friday 7 PM cover card in 55 numbers or less wins $200 jackpot (more than 55 numbers gets $50). Saturday 6 PM cover card in 56 numbers or less gets $200 jackpot (more than 56 numbers get $50). Sunday 2 PM jackpot with play until there’s a winner
1:00 PM Pig Scramble -- RESULTS

Sunday, August 27th at 1 p.m. at the Pulling Ring.
Signup: 10 a.m. to noon Sunday at the fair office, $2 ENTRY FEE.
Karna Johnson 343-4355.
Exciting event.
Rules for the Pig Scramble:
participants must be between the ages of 6 and 12 (three age groups: 6-8 years, 9-10 years, 11-12 years).
Parental permission slips need to be filled out.
Names will be drawn on the day of the scramble to determine who will be participating.
2:00 PM Pedal Tractor Pull Off In Front Of The Milking Parlor ~ Must place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd during one of the regular pedal tractor pulls to qualify -- RESULTS

Thursday, August 24th at 4 p.m.
Friday - August 25th at 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - August 26th at 1 p.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 10 a.m.
Sunday - August 27th at 2 p.m. ~ Pull-off for all prior winners.
Rusty & Donna Weymouth 694-0192 or 745-5778.
Tractor and drag provided by the fair.
Weight classes are 30-40 lbs, 41-50 lbs., and 51-60 lbs.
1. Open to all kids in their proper weight class.
2. Kids placing first, second, or third in their weight class during the regular pulls are eligible for the Pull-Off on Sunday
3. Ribbons will be given for the regular pulls.
Trophies to be awarded for Sunday’s Pull-Off.
All decisions of the judges will be considered impartial and final.
SUNDAY’S PULL-OFF is for WINNERS from the first three days and Sunday’s 10 AM pull.
NO new participants at pull-off.
3:00 PM Demolition Derby -- RESULTS ~ 50/50 Raffle During The Competition
Power Wheel’s Demo Derby during the intermission of the regular Demo Derby

Sunday, August 27th during the Demo Derby.
Contact: Clyne LaBree 343-1952 or Billy Smart 564-7712
Event Sponsored by: Will’s Shop ‘n’ Save, The Bears Den Motel, Restaurant, and Tavern, Goerge Eddy Logging, Dover-Foxcroft Police Dept., Rowells, and Prouty Ford
Battery operated vehicles only. Children must be size and age appropriate. Bicycle helmets are required for each child participating. The fair has some vehicles available but feel free to bring your own. Anyone interested must be at the Demo Area by noon on Sunday, August 27th.
We will also have a sign up sheet for anyone interested in driving one of our vehicles. Names will be drawn at random prior to the Derby.
Pro-Modified Demolition Derby

Contact: Larry Laney 717-8969.
Sunday, August 28th at 3:00 PM.
Event sponsored by:
Evergreen Auto Salvage,
Scooters Service Center,
D.W Automotive,
The Store ‘N’ More,
Maine Alternative Solutions Inc.,
The Bears Den Motel, Restaurant, and Tavern,
Nature’s Way Portable Toilets,
and Dexter Discount Tires
4:00 PM Bicycle Drawing In Front Of The Fair Office -- RESULTS

Entry blanks available at the Fair Office.
Children ages 5 to 14 years may enter. Pepsi provides 4 bicycles for the drawing. The drawings will be held on Thurs, and Fri at 5:30 p.m., and Sat and Sun at 4 p.m. Must be present to win. A person can win only once a year.
6:00 PM Fair Closes

Demolition Derby

Sunday, August 26th: 3:00PM

This event draws the most people. Who wouldn't want to spend a Sunday afternoon watching cars get smashed to pieces. The demoliton derby is entertainment for everyone with prizes being handed out for prettiest car, and most aggresive driver. Spots fill up fast, so make sure to get to the fair to secure the best viewing spot possible!

Pig Scramble

Sunday, August 26th: 1:00PM

The pig scramble is one of the most entertaining events at the fair. Kids run around in a pit trying to catch a pig and bag it. People travel from all around to see this event that isn't as common as it used to be. The hill around the pulling ring fills up fast, with the best places to watch taken early. Make sure to get your seat to watch this awesome event!

The Mallett Brothers Band

Satday, August 25th: 7:30-10PM
Card image

Formed in 2009 in Portland, Maine, The Mallett Brothers Band is an independent, nationally touring country rock and roll band consisting of brothers Luke and Will Mallett (vocals, guitar), Nick Leen (bass guitar), Wally (dobro, vocals, guitar), Andrew Martelle (fiddle, mandolin), and Chuck Gagne (drums).

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Frog Jumping Contest

Saturday, August 25th: 1:00PM

Gary Sudsbury 564-2931.
The ONLY RULES: Just pretend you are twelve again and have fun (except for those under twelve who already know how). Bring your own frog or you may use one supplied by the Fair.
Trophies will be awarded in each of the following groups: age 8 and under, 9-13, 14-18, and parent class.

Skillet Throw

Saturday, August 25th: 11:30AM

Karna Johnson 343-4355.
Ladies need to register by 11:30 a.m. Forms may be picked up at the Fair Office any time during the Fair. Age Groups: 18-35, 36-49, 50-64, 65 & over.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place ribbons will be given in each age group. Winners of their age group will throw for overall ribbon.

The Honkytonker’s Reunion Tour - Craig Stutzman

Friday, August 24th: 7:30-10PM
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The Honkytonkers are Maine's premier power trio. Many people refer to their original music as "POWER COUNTRY" because it is truly a mix of classic Rock with a flavor of today's country music.Country music with attitude is how one article summed up the group.

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Tuff Truck

Friday, August 24th: 6:00PM

Billy Smart ~ (207) 564-7712 or Dan Bishop ~ (207) 343-1975

Relay Race

Friday, August 24th: 3:00PM

Contact Donna Weymouth 745-5778 or Keshia Benson 735-6677.
We will be having four children’s games, one for each day of the fair.


Thursday, August 23rd: 9:00PM

Midnight Rose

Thursday, August 23rd: 6-9:00PM
Card image

Midnight Rose is a high energy band that loves to party with our fans. You can always count on hearing a variety of different music genre all night long.

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He-Man Contest

Thursday, August 23rd: 7:30PM

Thursday, August 25th at 7:30 p.m. in the Horse Pulling Ring. Contact Dan Bishop 564-7700 or Billy Smart 564-7712.
Tugging, lifting, throwing - timed event. Classes for both men and women. The ultimate endurance test. Everyone is welcome to participate. Bring your family and friends.

Piscataquis Valley Fair

77 Fairview Ave
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 04426
(207) 717-9100 ~ During week of fair only

© 2018 Piscataquis Valley Fair
Designed and Maintained by Bobby Koenig - Hosted by Zevulon WebDesign